In the Blood of the Greeks is set against the backdrop of World War II, the novel begins in a most troublesome period of human history, where subjugated by the might of Nazi Germany, two women meet under extraordinary circumstances. This is the story of Eva Muller, the daughter of a German Major, in command of the occupying force in Larissa, Greece in 1944. Through the intervention of the village priest she meets Zoe Lambros, a young Greek woman with vengeance in her heart and a faith in God that has been shattered by the death of her family. The two women work with the Greek Resistance – Eva using her position and ability to forge new identity papers for Jews hidden by the Greeks and Zoe working to get those papers to the village priest. They develop a friendship borne out of this dark time as they both work to save lives. This friendship leads to the beginning of a life that they never would have imagined. Follow their journey in the first of the Intertwined Souls Series!
Created by: Angela Pavlica
Illustrations by: Lucia Nobrega
Narration by: Rosa Alonso
Photography of Eva and Zoe Models: KT Jorgensen
Eva Model: Kat Cavanaugh
Zoe Model: Penny Cavanaugh