History Blog
New Art / Wallpaper: Surviving The Peace #2
Created a new wallpaper for the upcoming novel “Surviving The Peace” which is due in November 2017. Surviving The...
Scientist Tried To ‘Cure The Gay’ in 1970 – Horrific Report
One of the main themes in the first book of my Intertwined Souls Series is that one of my main character, Eva Muller,...
A Widgie Knight Radio Play Now On YouTube
My radio play “A Widgie Knight” has been posted to youtube! You can now listen to the 2 hr play based on my novel “A...
Auschwitz: Tourist Attraction Or Memorial?
The Sydney Morning Herald had an article in 2015 about Auschwitz and whether it should be a tourist “attraction”....
New Wallpaper of Eva and Zoe: The Land of Pharaohs
Writers write and often times they get distracted by shiny things like…art. It’s not my fault. A friend distracted me...
New Artwork: Street Scene from In The Blood of the Greeks
Yes I’m in that kind of mood! Here’s a street scene from the book “In The Blood of the Greeks” and an excerpt....
Interview with Titika Panagiotidou – Greek Resistance Leader
There is an amazing interview with Titika Panagiotidou who was a member of the Greek Resistance during World War 2....
Press Release: Hidden Children in Occupied Greece
Press release Hidden Children in Occupied Greece On the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day (27...
Women of the Greek Resistance: Sara Yeshua (A Real Life Zoe Lambros)
Here is a real life Zoe Lambros - Sara Yeshua who served in the Greek Resistance. Many thanks to The Jewish Museum of...
In Memory of My Jewish Grandmother
I was emailed recently and asked if I was Jewish because my first book deals with Jews escaping from Greece and my...
Photo of the Day: The Menorah and the Nazi Flag
It was the eighth night of Chanukah in Kiel, Germany, a small town with a Jewish population of 500. That year, 1931,...
Video: German Women Clearing the Ruins of Berlin in 1945
In the Blood of the Greeks (Book 1) is set during World War II. The events of this video are set during 1945 in the...