I received this email today (and with Blaire’s permission) I’m posting it because it has moved beyond words. A writer writes to tell a good story and along the way, if/when a reader is moved by that story, we don’t usually know it unless we (the writer) is told. When I received this email, I was overcome with emotion.
For those that haven’t read my novels, one of my characters Eva Lambros had undergone “conversion” therapy – a horrendous treatment to make her stop homosexual thoughts and acting on them (far more complicated than that line but that’s the basis of it). It was considered a mental illness.
It’s a medical “procedure” being done today to many men and women. It is not against the law. As of yesterday this procedure was not banned by the state of Illinois (as one example).
Please take a moment and have a read of Blaire’s email (posted with her permission)
Reading this series has been such an experience for me. I’m 29 now. I started reading this series when I was about 16. It started with Out of Darkness.
As you have expanded the details through the release of later editions, you have been able to capture what it was to not only be in a war torn country but to be lesbian women in that time period. One of which underwent torture to cure her “illness”. You have been able to somehow step into those shoes. And let the readers experience a sliver of what so many on this earth have gone through. Be it straight, gay, Christian, Jewish. It doesn’t matter. You have captured every character you have written with integrity.
I have been able to relate to your characters. Especially Eva. Your books have helped me heal in a way. The struggles she went through and continues to go through and her ability to overcome them have helped me in overcoming my own obstacles. You have been able to capture those struggles as they would have occurred. Almost exactly.
I essentially grew up with this series. And I am so excited to see what adventures await Stella and Tessa. And to see where life takes Eva and Zoe as they continue their journey. Thank you for continuing to write about these characters I have come to love.