Intertwined Souls Series Film Promo
Glasswell Cavanaugh Productions & AUSXIP Publishing Presents
You have read the books, saw Lucia’s amazing illustrations of Eva and Zoe, gazed at KT Jorgensen’s photoshoot with Kat (Eva) and Penny (Zoe) Cavanaugh – now it’s time for something different!
Now get set to watch the Intertwined Souls Series Film Promo through Glasswell Cavanaugh Productions!!
It will be a 8-10 minute intro to the book series – get to know the characters and their journey! It was an absolute pleasure working with a fantastic group of creative people on this promo. Our project was joined by the amazing Adrienne Wilkinson who appears as Zoe’s mother “Helena Lambros” and also does the voice over. Keep updated on this site with all the latest news about the production.
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The crew minus MaryD who was taking the photo! Yes gunshy author strikes again!
Adrienne Wilkinson (Helena Lambros) with Penny Cavanaugh (Zoe Lambros)
Eva walking in the street
Penny and Kat - a break in filming
Zoe threatening Eva in the cellar and she means it!
Kat relaxing between takes
Penny just lazing about in bed and waiting for everyone to get ready
Eva contemplates how she can get into bed despite the doubts in her mind. Wonderfully acted by Kat Cavanaugh
Penny as Zoe in rehearsal
Eva's worst nightmare
Zoe confronts a visitor in church
Kat listening to assistant director Anthony
Just a light moment during filming
Director Karyn Ben Singer setting up a shot
Penny and Anthony in the church
Karyn, Anthony and Kat
Penny and Kat!
Zoe waiting for her Eva
Eva and Zoe
Arielle and Kat
A tender moment
Yeah she did hit me with a rock moment
Penny just before filming starts
A breather and a 2015 waterbottle in 1940 🙂