This is an episode of the Twilight Zone Mary Style – my wonderful (and very industrious editor) has found these AMAZING headstones today that totally blew me away. These are REAL people who I had no clue who they were when I made up the names of my characters. I was FLOORED. I shouldn’t be, of course, since these are common names, right? I’m tickled and floored (can you be tickled and floored?)
The first picture is of Captain Hans Muller – the REAL Hans Muller (who doesn’t look very Aryan to me) the grave stone of Hans Muller.

Now the third picture is…Alexander Muller. I just thought up this name for my first novel and it was Eva’s grandfather. Rosa found Alexander’s grave! Notice the date of the real Alexander Muller’s death – 1935. That’s when MY Alexander Muller died. When Eva was 15. Eva was born in 1920 and her grandfather passed away in…1935! SPOOKY!

and now for the picture that had my jaw on the floor. The grave stone of Wilhelm Becker. Yep another character of mine – Wilhelm was Eva’s best friend / brother. Aye curumba but it gets better!

The final pic is FATHER Johan Theo FABER. Father Faber is one of my dreamed up characters in the book Hidden Truths. I just put two names together I liked and that was that….obviously not. I think if Rosa finds Eva Lambros or Zoe Lambros, I’m going to go and have a bag of black jelly beans.