writerworkshop1In April I attended the first Xenite Retreat and the following is my in depth report. I briefly covered the entire retreat and made mention of two workshops I conducted.

Workshop 1: Small Press and Indie Publishing. It was great to meet people who were interested in publishing their work and having lunch with them. Our group had a lively discussion about the differences between publishing with a small press publisher or going all out Indie. The feedback was amazing. Thank you to those who attended.

Workshop 2: Creative Writing: When Your Imaginary Friends Speak To You…this was a lively group and for once I actually followed my own outline (small injoke that my editor will fully appreciate) and went through the process from initial idea to getting ready to publish. It was a full on two hours and the discussion with those present was superb. The handout included an outline of topics and a link to more resources and software. Exclusive to the Xenite Retreat!

Overall it was a great experience for me on my first outing as a presenter.

You can read the rest of my Xenite Retreat report here

Click here to read the full review