A Moment In Time Anthology Featuring Crossroads

By: Ryan Armstrong, Mary D. Brooks, M.L. Gardner and Amanda Page

Genre: Historical Fiction, Urban Fantasy
Time: 1917
Place: Athens, Greece

Crossroads is the first short featuring Stella and Tessa, the characters that first appeared in my Intertwined Souls Series (Starting with Book 3: Hidden Truths).

It’s the summer of 1917 in Athens, Greece, and while the city swelters, the patients of St Gregori’s Home for the Infirm have never seen anyone like Doctor Stella Nikas–a joyous personality that defies the abject sorrow of her surroundings and brings an explosion of color and light into the patients’ lives. Tessa Mitsos, a gifted artist plagued with strange dreams of the future, is also at St Gregori’s and her only hope of stopping the visions is a radical surgery.

Stella makes a decision that will forever change not only her life, but that of Tessa Mitsos as well – beyond St Gregori’s Gates.

Book Trailer: Mabel of the ANZACS

Zoe Lambros meets Mabel Andrews, a mercurial, cantankerous World War I Australian nurse. Zoe’s introduction to the fiery octogenarian is an explosive mix of sound and fury. Neither woman wants to give ground and they are determined to be proven right. For Zoe, actions speak louder than words and Mabel finds a kindred spirit that leads to an unlikely friendship. Together the two women forge a close bond that will change their lives forever. It’s a friendship for the ages.

Victorian Town Honors WW1 Nurses

From Instagram abcnews_au

So many nurses wanted to serve in #WWI that the Army could not take them all, and many volunteered with the Red Cross or British services. We may never know how many women served in this way, but they are not forgotten.

More than 100 locals from the small town of Devenish in northern #Victoria raised $20,000 to fund a striking 20-metre-high war #mural on disused grain silos

The mural, which took artist Cam Scale 11 days to paint, was finished just before #AnzacDay and depicts two women 100 years apart – a WWI nurse and a modern-day army medic.

Photo Credit: Warwick Long / ABC Rural.

ANZAC Day 25 April 2018 Lest We Forget

Today is ANZAC Day 25 April 2018.  ANZAC Day – the day we commemorate the sacrifice and service men and women have given in all theatres of war. We remember their service, we thank them for their sacrifice and we honor them. War should never be the answer but in times of need, men and women offered themselves in service to their country. #LestWeForget

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.”

Lest We Forget.

Listen to “Zoe’s Promise” Radio Play!

Zoe’s Promise was performed today by the awesome cast at Sherri’s Playhouse.

Sand, Sun, Love and Madcap Zoe On A Mission To Fulfill A Promise Made In The Egyptian Desert

It’s 1948 in Sydney, Australia Zoe is planning a surprise for Eva. She enlists the help of Elena and together they make one of Zoe’s zaniest ideas come to life. Zoe’s promise to Eva made in the Egyptian desert in 1946 is the basis for this romantic comedy. Zoe always delivers on her promises no matter how long it takes. Eva, Zoe, Elena, Henry and Earl are back.

It’s a feel good romantic comedy that will just make you smile – it’s all about the love with a dash of sand and sun in the land of Milk and Honey.

New Fiction Art: Crossroads by Mary

Crossroads is the first short featuring Stella and Tessa, the characters that first appeared in my Intertwined Souls Series (Starting with Book 3: Hidden Truths).

It’s the summer of 1917 in Athens, Greece, and while the city swelters, the patients of St Gregori’s Home for the Infirm have never seen anyone like Doctor Stella Nikas–a joyous personality that defies the abject sorrow of her surroundings and brings an explosion of color and light into the patients’ lives. Tessa Mitsos, a gifted artist plagued with strange dreams of the future, is also at St Gregori’s and her only hope of stopping the visions is a radical surgery.

Stella makes a decision that will forever change not only her life, but that of Tessa Mitsos as well – beyond St Gregori’s Gates.

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