51oDvIHbmEL._SX398_BO1,204,203,200_I’m very pleased to announce that The Illustrated Companion is now available in Graphic Novel Format on the Kindle.

Click here to buy the kindle version – with the kindle version you can’t print out from it so you can color Lucia’s gorgeous illustrations but there is a link at the back of the book for the PDF file (for free). You can download that and print the coloring images.

Click here to buy the Print Version

In The Blood of the Greeks The Illustrated Companion is about the events written in the award-winning novel “In The Blood Of The Greeks”.

In Nazi-occupied Greece, Eva and Zoe — one a German officer’s daughter, the other a young Greek woman filled with fury — should be enemies but they come together in an unlikely union to save the lives of Jews targeted by the Nazis.

Real life heroes of the Greek Resistance, life in war-torn Greece and the Jewish fight for survival are portrayed through illustrations, images and real accounts. Featuring War time photography from the Australian War Memorial, the New Zealand War Memorial (The Alexander Turnball Library) and The Jewish Museum of Greece. Brazilian artist Lucia Nobrega’s illustrations of the characters of Eva Muller and Zoe Lambros and other characters bring the novel to life. Part coloring book, part history book. Discover the history behind the novel “In The Blood of the Greeks” and the Greek Resistance against the Germans and the fight to save Jewish lives.