Book Viral has reviewed my latest novel “Nor The Battle To The Strong” – Check it out

The Intertwined Souls Series has come a long way since Brooks first released In The Blood Of The Greeks and her many fans were right to have high expectations of her latest release. Over the course of five previous award-winning LGBT novels, we’ve seen Eva and Zoe grow as she teases out every shadow and nuance of their characters. We’ve been voyeurs to a deeply felt love story that’s been told with an exquisite eye for detail, but none of this quite prepares you for Nor The Battle To The Strong. Writing in a niche genre such as Lesbian Romance whilst garnering broader appeal is never easy and yet this is exactly what Brooks does, delivering a story that is sensuous, intelligent and sophisticated. As with previous releases, she delivers plot complexity in strikingly personal terms, but here she adds another level of poignancy as she highlights the contrasts between who Eva and Zoe are now and the past to which they are again drawn.

Making for a richly observed narrative and another wonderful read in the Intertwined Souls Series, Nor The Battle To The Strong proves an excellent release in the Historical Lesbian Romance sub-genre and is recommended without reservation.

Check out the full review here

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