Sep 2, 2017
Well this has been an interesting day!

Book 5: No Good Deed has been awarded a Bronze in the Historical Romance genre at the 2017 Readers Favorite Awards!
Part of the review for the book says:
Mary D. Brooks’ historical fantasy, No Good Deed: Intertwined Souls Series, Book 5 is well-written, impeccably researched and absorbing. I was most impressed by the author’s ability to weave the women’s story in with the historical backdrop of the war and the Nuremberg Trials. The flowering and impact of Eva’s paranormal gifts, which have been passed along through her family for generations, is described in a sobering fashion with the past stories of her and her aunt’s electro-shock therapy sessions in German asylums for the condition, adding another grim reminder of the costs of being considered ‘different’ at that time in history. No Good Deed is a family saga that will delight fantasy and historical novel buffs alike. It’s highly recommended.
But wait there’s more….
Book 6: Nor The Battle To The Strong has been given a semi-finalist gong in the mystery/thriller genre of the 2017 Kindle Book Awards. Final results will be announced on 1 November.
Hop on over to Amazon and download your copy!
Aug 21, 2017
I’m about 90% done writing my second play. It’s called An Egyptian Treasure.
It’s 1948 and as the year is drawing to a close, Zoe is planning a surprise for Eva. She enlists the help of Elena and together they make one of Zoe’s zaniest ideas come to life. Eva, Zoe, Elena, Henry and Earl are back. It’s a feel good romantic comedy that will just make you smile – it’s all about the love with a dash of sand, sun and madcap Zoe in the land of Milk and Honey.
The play will be performed by the actors at Sherri’s Playhouse. if you enjoyed last year’s performance of A Widgie Knight, you’re going to love this year’s “An Egyptian Treasure” – A Week In The Life of Eva and Zoe!
If you haven’t listened to last year’s play, you’re in luck! You can listen to the play here – it was SO much fun!
Jul 1, 2017
I’m quite pleased to announce that Zoe’s Journal: Displaced In The Land of Pharoahs will be the second book in Zoe’s Journal series to be published by AUSXIP Publishing. Date to be announced.
This is Zoe’s Journal from the moment they leave Greece and their journey to Egypt. It’s in 1945 and Eva, Zoe and Henry leave Larissa to take the perilous journey to Crete where the Allies have their command and through Turkey to reach Egypt. In Egypt they find that refugees are streaming into the country to escape the war. This is a story of strength, courage and the will to survive as Zoe recounts the people they meet and the hardships they endure in their search for safety and passage to Australia.
So stayed tuned for more news about this new series. I’m hoping to bridge the gaps between 1944 to 1947.
Jun 11, 2017
I’m quite pleased to announce that Zoe’s Journal: Surviving The Peace is the next book to be published by AUSXIP Publishing. Date to be announced.
This is Zoe’s Journal from the moment Larissa was liberated by the British in 1944 to the time Eva, Zoe and Henry left Larissa and headed to Egypt. It was a difficult and dangerous journey. The war on the mainland was over but the Islands were still occupied by the Germans until 1945.
Surviving the Peace would be the first book I’ve written in first person – Zoe’s voice – and it’s a departure from my normal writing style. Do you all like the cover?
So stayed tuned for more news about this new series. I’m hoping to bridge the gaps. between 1944 to 1947.
Apr 20, 2017
I’m stoked to announce that my newest coloring book Coloring To Relax Mandalas & Geometric Patterns Volume 2 is now available! It’s got 30 illustrations of various designs.
Purchase from Amazon and Other Bookstores
Here are some designs!

Purchase from Amazon and Other Bookstores
How does coloring help? Isn’t that just for children? Psychologist Gloria Martinez Ayala recently discussed why it’s so important for adults as well as children. She was interviewed by the Huffington Post where she said: “The relaxation that it provides lowers the activity of the amygdala, a basic part of our brain involved in controlling emotion that is affected by stress.”
So what does that mean? It means by immersing ourselves in one activity that our energies are totally focused, our brains are not focused on the things that stress us out. This is quite true. It does work.
We all lead very busy lives with work commitments, family and health issues. There is so much going on. We neglect the one thing we should not and that is ourselves. We need to MAKE time for ourselves. In between writing fiction, I color my own designs or buy coloring books geared towards adults although the children’s coloring books take me back a few years. It gives me pleasure and hours of fun!
When we were children (and for some of us, that may be some time ago), we found enjoyment in creating art by coloring. We spent many hours hunched over our coloring books with crayons (or pencils and/or markers). We found pleasure in the simple act of coloring in.
What has happened since then? We grew up. We abandoned the simple pleasure of immersing ourselves in our coloring efforts. Life has knocked us around. Okay time to get back to what makes us happy and to forget our troubles, even for a short while.
Break out your favorite coloring pencils/crayons / paints – however you want to do it, do it!
Purchase from Amazon and Other Bookstores
Feb 11, 2017
Book Viral has reviewed my latest novel “Nor The Battle To The Strong” – Check it out
The Intertwined Souls Series has come a long way since Brooks first released In The Blood Of The Greeks and her many fans were right to have high expectations of her latest release. Over the course of five previous award-winning LGBT novels, we’ve seen Eva and Zoe grow as she teases out every shadow and nuance of their characters. We’ve been voyeurs to a deeply felt love story that’s been told with an exquisite eye for detail, but none of this quite prepares you for Nor The Battle To The Strong. Writing in a niche genre such as Lesbian Romance whilst garnering broader appeal is never easy and yet this is exactly what Brooks does, delivering a story that is sensuous, intelligent and sophisticated. As with previous releases, she delivers plot complexity in strikingly personal terms, but here she adds another level of poignancy as she highlights the contrasts between who Eva and Zoe are now and the past to which they are again drawn.
Making for a richly observed narrative and another wonderful read in the Intertwined Souls Series, Nor The Battle To The Strong proves an excellent release in the Historical Lesbian Romance sub-genre and is recommended without reservation.
Check out the full review here

Recommend Nor The Battle To The Strong, for the coveted BookViral Crimson Quill. To make your recommendation simply click on the award badge below..….