The Darkest Hour eBook Giveaway Contest!

Heads up everyone. This is seriously cool. The upcoming official release of “The Darkest Hour” anthology will be on January 22. The authors of this incredible volume are running a contest for all readers who are interested in WW2 stories and WW2 Resistance.

What do you have to do? Glad you asked!

1. Help us spread the word by going to this Facebook post, share and like our post, or tag a friend who would be interested in reading it:

2. Contest deadline is Jan 21.

3. One lucky winner will be selected and announcef on Jan 22. Winner will win an e-copy of a full novel written by each of the authors of “The Darkest Hour” anthology (10 novels total!!!!)

Mabel of the Anzacs Part 1 Radio Play – Audio

In 1948 Post War Australia, teenager and World War II Greek Resistance fighter Zoe Lambros meets Mabel Andrews, a mercurial, cantankerous former World War I Australian nurse. Zoe’s introduction to the fiery octogenarian is an explosive mix of sound and fury. Neither woman wants to give ground and they are determined to be proven right. For Zoe, actions speak louder than words and she sets out to uncover the enigma that is Mabel Andrews. Mabel discovers a kindred spirit that leads to an unlikely friendship.

Together the two women forge a close bond that will change their lives forever.

I’m seriously excited to share with you the audio of Mabel of the Anzacs Part 1 performed by Sherrie’s Playhouse! The show was incredible and thank you to the hugely talented cast!

Narrator – Shaun Ritter

Zoe Lambros – Arielle Strauss
Eva Haralambos – J’nae Rae Spano
Mabel Andrews – Sherri Rabinowitz
Elena Mannheim – Jen Gray
Henry Franz – Rayment Brent
Earl Wiggins – Everett Robert
Lena Stavridis – Liz Elliot
Mr Ross – Wesley Marshall

Listen to the Cast of Mabel of the Anzacs

Chatting With Sherri is joined by the Cast of  Mabel of the Anzacs!

We will chat with the cast of Mary D. Brooks wonderful radio play.   We will discuss the play, our parts and the fun of a live radio broadcast.

We will be joined by; 

Zoe Lambros played by; Arielle Strauss, 

Eva Haralambos played by; J’nae Rae Spano,

Elena Mannheim played by; Jen Gray,

Henry Franz played by; Raymond Brent,

Earl Wiggins played by; Everett Robert, 

Lena Stavridis played by; Liz Elliot,

Mr Ross played by; Wesley Marshall,

Narrator played by; Shaun Ritter,

Mabel Andrews played by; (me) Sherri Rabinowitz

Schindler’s List: A Look Back At This Incredible True Life Story of Oskar Schindler

Schindler’s List was one of the most profound and moving movies about the Holocaust I have ever seen. The Guardian looks at Steven Spielberg’s efforts in 1993 to create this incredible film about a heroic man, Oskar Schindler, who saved thousands. Based on the true life story written by Australian author Thomas Keneally.

A big screen re-release leads to a re-examination of the 1993 Oscar-winner which had a profound effect on both critics and audiences

Twenty-five years ago, Steven Spielberg brought out two of his best movies, in just a matter of months. The films were poles apart in style and subject matter, and the process of completing one while shooting the other left the director exhausted and emotionally ragged. In spring 1993, Spielberg was in Poland, recreating the terror of the Kraków ghetto and the Kraków-Płaszów concentration camp for Schindler’s List by day, and each night he was calling Industrial Light & Magic in California to oversee the special effects for the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. Spielberg’s friend Robin Williams would call him up once a week to tell him jokes for 15 minutes at a time and release the tension.

Spielberg pulled off a similar double recently when he shot the political drama The Post in the midst of post-production for his blockbuster spectacle Ready Player One. With Schindler’s List in 1993, Spielberg couldn’t bear the thought of delaying the production of his Holocaust passion project for another year. With The Post, he felt that the story’s resonances with the current political climate were too urgent to wait. Likewise, the trailer for the 25th anniversary rerelease of Schindler’s List rings with the words “Now more than ever”.

By 1993, Schindler’s List had been on Spielberg’s desk for a decade. He was first given a copy of Thomas Keneally’s book after completing ET the Extra-Terrestrial in 1982. Keneally’s book is a novelized version of a true story: how a German industrialist and Nazi named Oskar Schindler managed to save 1,200 Jews from transportation to concentration camps. It’s a gruelling tale, and Schindler is not a conventional hero. He sets out as a profiteer, buying a former Jewish business in the Kraków ghetto, and exploiting Jewish labour to make enamelware to sell to the German army. As the war continues, Schindler can no longer stomach the regime and is moved to save a group of Polish Jews from the gas chambers. It’s a brave and righteous act, but one that pales in comparison to the scope of the Nazi atrocity. Nevertheless, a title card at the end of Spielberg’s adaptation informs that in 1993, as a result of the Shoah, there were only 4,000 Jews living in Poland, but around the world, there were more than 6,000 descendants of the Jews saved by Schindler. As is also shown in the film, the men and women that Schindler protected present him with a ring inscribed with words from the Talmud: “Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.”

Read Full Article

Modern Medicine and the Great War Smithsonian Exhibit Till Feb 2019!

The Smithsonian has a super exhibit running from April 6, 2017 to February 3, 2019 about Modern Medicine and the Great War

This display explores the ways medicine was applied on the battlefield as well as highlighting important wartime advances in medical science. World War I provided a testing ground for the application of new medical technologies and procedures and, in some cases, accelerated their general acceptance or development in a much wider context. Simultaneously, wartime medical practice reflected the larger concerns and prejudices of early 20th century America as the country coped with the ever-changing complexities of modern industrial society.

About the Artifact Walls

Artifact walls, consisting of 275 linear feet of glass-fronted cases lining the central first and second floors, highlight the depth and breadth of the collections. They reflect the Museum’s core mission to collect, study, and exhibit objects from our nation’s rich and diverse history. This display is one of the special cases that highlight anniversaries, views into the collections, and research findings.

In April 1917 the United States entered a world war that had already claimed millions of lives and left millions more disabled by wounds or disease.

Health and fitness were central to building a strong military force, and sick and wounded soldiers required treatment to return them to the fight. The task ahead was enormous, but developments in science-based medicine—such as identifying microorganisms as the cause of diseases and developing sterile surgical procedures—gave medical practice increased prestige. Armed with new technologies and scientific methods, medical leaders were confident that health could be measured, disease prevented, and wounded bodies restored.

The war would put these ideas to the test on an unprecedented scale and under the most difficult conditions. Medical practices developed during the war changed the country’s approach to health care in ways that continue to affect us today.

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