In The Blood of the Greeks FREE for a Limited Time!

My first book, my baby, is now available for FREE (yep the ebook is free!)  Its Freebie December! In The Blood of the Greeks ebook edition is FREE for a limited time! 

Get your copy for FREE

Forbidden love, heart racing suspense, an epic tale set in war-ravaged Greece.

In Nazi-occupied Greece, Eva and Zoe-one a German officer’s daughter, the other a young Greek woman filled with fury-should be enemies. But when fate brings them together they discover a love that transcends the barriers between them.

Zoe Lambros’ faith in God is shattered after her mother’s death at the hands of the German commander. She determines to defy the enemy in every way she can-including a festering urge to kill the German commander’s daughter, Eva Muller.

Eva Muller has a tortured past, and a secret, if revealed, will lead to certain death at the hands of her father. Despite knowing the risk, Eva is working with the village priest to help the Jews escape. With her activities closely monitored, Eva needs help to continue the clandestine operation and Zoe Lambros is the answer despite her antagonism to the young fiery Greek.

– Finalist: Fiction – Historical – Event/Era – 2015 Readers’ Favorite
– Finalist Gay/Lesbian Fiction – International Book Awards 2015
– Finalist First Novel – IAN (Independent Author Network) Book Of The Year Awards 2015
– Finalist Outstanding Historical Fiction – IAN (Independent Author Network) Book Of The Year Awards 2015

31 Zentangles and Mandalas Book Released!

New Release for November is 31 Zentangles and Mandalas.

Price: $12.50 USD
Pages: 76
Designs: 31

Order Online: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Zentangles and Mandalas are illustrations and designs that are perfect for coloring. Designed to be a relaxing way to spend some quality time and just let the stresses of the day fade. We all remember how much fun it was as children when we colored. Now 31 Zentangles and Mandalas seeks to take you back to those carefree days as an adult with these designs in this coloring book for grown-ups.

Take out your pencils, crayons, markers and find a quiet spot to color in 31 Zentangles and Mandalas designs.

Some of the designs:


In The Blood of the Greeks The Illustrated Companion 2nd Edition

I’ve been working on the second edition of In The Blood of the Greeks The Illustrated Companion after only having the book available in print. It will now be available in print and ebook.

The print edition has the added bonus of having illustrations by Lucia Nobrega being able to used as a coloring book. The ebook readers will have a chance to download the coloring illustrations as a pdf (separate to the book) so they can print out.

The first edition of this book and the novel “In The Blood of the Greeks” is in the jewish Museum of Greece in Athens.

Both the print and ebook will be available to buy from the AUSXIP Publishing store in addition to Amazon & other book retailers.

This is the chapters in the book:

  • Acknowledgements
  • Second Edition Introduction By Mary
  • History Behind The Name: In The Blood Of The Greeks
  • History Of The Location Of The Book: Larissa
  • The Allies In Greece – 1940 To 1941
  • The Germans Invade Greece
  • The Allies Retreat From Larissa – 1941
  • War Time Photography From Australian War Memorial
  • War Time Photography From The Alexander Turnball Library, Wellington, New Zealand
  • The Triple Occupation Of Greece By The Axis Powers 1941-1944
  • The Greek Resistance Rises – 1941
  • The Trainbusters Of Olympus And Destruction Of The Gorgopotamos Rail Bridge, 1942
  • Character Profiles From In The Blood Of The Greeks
  • Farsala (Phasalos) – Zoe’s Birthplace And Family Farm
  • About Zoe Lambros
  • Mini-Biography Of Zoe Lambros
  • About Eva Theresa Muller
  • Mini-Biography Of Eva Muller
  • Eva’s Tortured Past – Gay Aversion Therapy
  • Zoe’s Resistance Activities
  • German, Italian And Bulgarian Atrocities / War Crimes 1941 – 1944
  • From “In The Blood Of The Greeks” The Death Of Helena Lambros
  • Eva And Zoe Meet For The First Time
  • Coloring Illustrations
  • How To Use The Coloring Section For The Printed Book
  • How To Use The Coloring Section For The Ebook Version
  • Athena’s Bluff And Zoe’s Cabin
  • The Jews Of Greece
  • The Holocaust In Greece 1941-1945
  • A Quick History Of The Jews In Greece
  • The Greek Resistance And The Jews 1941-1945
  • Thessaly: Partisan Cradle
  • The Heroic Women Of Greece – 1940
  • Women Of The Resistance – A Great Army
  • Women Of The Resistance – Sara Yeshua
  • Women Of The Resistance – Titika Panagiotidou
  • Women Of The Resistance – 54th Batallion Of Elas
  • Displaced (Refugees) People In The Middle East 1944 – 1947
  • Australia – A Place Of Refuge For Displaced Persons 1947 – 1953
  • Eva And Zoe In Australia – The Journey Continues
  • About The Intertwined Souls Series
  • Ebook Version – Download Print Quality Pdf For Illustrations
  • Mary’s Book Club Newsletter



A Widgie Knight Now Available In These Stores!

I’m very excited to report that A Widgie Knight has escaped the Amazon ecosphere and has gone out into the world. You can now get A Widgie Knight at the following online platforms. A Widgie Knight is set in 1950 but the story is quite relevant in today’s world – it’s a story that could be ripped from the headlines about powerful men abusing their power and sexually harassing women. The noise may quieten down but the abuse will never go away. This is the story of what happens when women decide to fight back.  When Zoe is faced with sexual harassment in her new job with no way to fight back, Eva decides for an extreme makeover and turns into leather clad warrior for her lady in distress.






A Widgie Knight
A Week In The Life of Eva & Zoe Series

“Sometimes you just got to dress up and ride in fighting! Witnessing Eva rise to the challenge of defending her dear Zoe is sheer delight!”

When Zoe is faced with sexual harassment in her new job with no way to fight back, Eva decides for an extreme makeover and turns into leather clad warrior for her lady in distress.

When you’re a working woman in 1950, there is more to work than doing a great job. Unwanted advances, no matter how repulsive, are common. This is where Zoe Lambros, a young Arts College graduate, has found work at the prestigious Sydney Art Gallery as a junior art restorer. She has also attracted attention of Sebastian Fletcher, one of Australia’s greatest artists. Zoe is not one to take a backward step, but she finds herself unable to fight back without losing the job she loves. No one is going to believe the young artist’s claims against an Australian icon. Enter Zoe’s lover who has decided to take matters into her own hands and is eager to take on the role of Zoe’s defender.

A fancy dress party offers Eva, Zoe’s dark-haired, blue eyed, six-foot tall peaceful and gentle partner, the chance to metamorphosize into a tattooed, leather clad Greaser on her own intimidatory mission. Can the tender, kind-hearted Eva become a tough Widgie Knight for her lady in distress?

This Intertwined Souls Series Shorts volume also features a journal entry for the night by Zoe. It’s late evening and Zoe has taken her journal to write about Eva’s efforts to defend her honor. Zoe reflects on the woman that she loves and how Eva transformed into her knight. Eva reveals who she imitated to achieve the intimidating figure she became.

Featuring Brazilian artist Lucia Nobrega’s illustrations of Eva and Zoe Lambros from the Intertwined Souls Series.

November 9 – A Pivotal Date in German History

November 9 – That date has a huge significance in Germany and to the world.

NOVEMBER 9, 1938

1November 9, 1938 was when Kristallnacht (The Night of Broken Glass) happened which escalated and led to the Jewish holocaust but it was also the date that changed Eva’s life (in the novel “In the Blood of the Greeks“).

Kristallnacht, also referred to as the Night of Broken Glass, or Reichskristallnacht  was a pogrom against Jews throughout Nazi Germany and Austria on 9–10 November 1938, carried out by SA paramilitary forces …read more

In my first novel, Eva’s world was shattered when her mother was murdered, mistaken for a Jewess, and her father found out Eva was a lesbian- the two events combined to send Eva’s world coming crashing down on her in the most horrific way.


NOVEMBER 9, 1989

1415571972588November 9, 1989. That day also saw a huge significance in Germany – it’s the historic day that the despised Berlin Wall was breeched by 20,000 people without violence, without losing their lives, without a single shot fired in anger. It was the day that a East German officer made a decision that brought the end of a divided city.

This is from today’s Sydney Morning Herald:

Berlin: The East German lieutenant colonel who gave the fateful order to throw open the Berlin Wall 25 years ago said he wept in silence a few moments later as hordes of euphoric East Germans swept past him into West Berlin to get their first taste of freedom. Harald Jaeger said he spent hours before his history-changing decision trying in vain to get guidance from superiors on what to do about the 20,000 protesters at his border crossing who were clamouring to get out. When he had had enough of being laughed at, ridiculed and told by commanders to sort it out for himself, Jaeger ordered the 46 armed guards under his command to throw open the barrier.

He then stepped back and cried – tears of relief that the standoff had ended without violence, tears of frustration that his superiors had left him in the lurch and tears of despair from a man who had so long believed in the communist ideal.

He had joined the border guard unit in 1961. Over 28 years, he saw the barrier grow from an infancy of coiled barbed wire to a brick wall and then to maturity as a towering 160-kilometre white concrete screen that encircled West Berlin, cutting across streets, between families and through graveyards.

“My world was collapsing and I felt like I was left alone by my party and my military commanders,” said Jaeger, now 71, remembering the night. “I was on the one hand hugely disappointed but also relieved that it ended peacefully. There could have been a different outcome.”

Read More


Finding Time to Laugh Article I wrote for Women & Words

I’ve written an article for the site Women & Words and I talk about how writers / authors need to give readers a respite from the dark and gritty world with our stories. I also discuss how two of my stories are made into radio plays and how relevant they are today (sexual harassment/ misogyny and the other deals with refugees) even though they cover topics that were just as important in 1948/1950.

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